


9:30 p.m. – 8 a.m.

    • All ER CT, US, and plain films

    • Cover inpatient and Shoreline exams after 11 p.m. 

      • Only critical inpatient studies should be dictated. The resident calling should be able to give you a detailed history. If not, then they are likely just trying to check off a to-do from the sign out sheet. If dictating the exam will not change patient management overnight, then the reading it is not urgent.

    • Cover VA studies after 10 p.m.

      • After you are called about an exam and approve it, have the physician requesting the examination contact the VA operator and page the appropriate on-call tech.

    • Protocol exams and answer the phone.

    • CTA Aorta with runoff studies are protocolled by IR; the requestor will have to page 370-0915.

    • CTA COW and Petrous bone studies are the responsibly of the ED during Night Float/Overnight shifts. 

      • Note: there does not seem to be a clinical necessity for Petrous bone studies overnight, per Dr. Abrahams. One exception might be a critically ill patient with known or suspected petrous bone pathology making the trip to the scanner for another issue. These patients can be protocoled and scanned but will be read by the Neuro service in the am.

    • If you need to reach the Neuro fellow, there is a schedule on Amion. Be sure to check the date at the top of the form so you page the correct person!

    • Only emergent MRI will be done after hours. Discuss this with the team because if they are not going to take the patient to the OR tonight, then the exam can be done first thing in the AM (6:30 a.m.)